the! award

the! award is created to honor and award the most outstanding achievements of communication(s) professionals in their field and thus promote and improve the overall state of communications industry.
the! awards is a recognition by the professional association of excellent projects in public relations in South East Europe, intended for public relations experts employed by legal entities and independent experts in this field.
the! award aims to raise the reputation of the profession in public, promote excellence in communication, continually review and improve the principles of good business and fundamental values of the CPRA.
In 2021, applications were opened in six competitive categories, to be expanded to nine in 2022, from which it is clear who the potential applicants are: for public relations in institutions, associations and non-governmental organizations, for public relations for large, small and medium-sized companies, socially responsible business, internal communication, crisis communication, political communication, organization of events and digital communication. The decision on the best projects is made by a jury made up of representatives of all participating countries based on the Regulations on the awarding of CPRA annual awards.
Apply HERE!
the! award - Satnica Smotre finalista
Smotra finalista održat će se 28. listopada, a tko su dobitnici prestižne nagrada saznat ćemo 7. studenog u Splitu u sklopu godišnje KOMferencije.
the! award - najveća konkurencija u kategorijama DOP-a i evenata
Ukupno su pristigle 32 prijave u 7 kategorija, što je povećanje za gotovo 30% u odnosu na prošlu godinu.
the! award - Novi rok za prijavu najboljih komunikacijskih projekata 7.10.
Javni poziv za prijavu projekata na ovogodišnju nagradu the! ostaje otvoren do ponedjeljka, 7. listopada do 10 sati.